The osgi specification describes a modular system and a service platform for the java programming language that implements a complete and dynamic component model, something that does not exist in standalone javavm environments. Startup of the knopflerfish osgi framework, displayed in the kf desktop plugin. Osgi doesnt make jar files, it is a platform for deploying and running them. The goal with the plugin is to simply the use of knopflerfish for developers using eclipse as their ide. If the osgi bundles and osgi services are active, the java application is ready. All knopflerfish releases are kept in the archive section. If the osgi bundle has a lazy activation policy, the bundle remains in this state until it is called in the osgi framework. You may also want to take a look at this related question. Both of these two repositories are populated with all artifacts from all knopflerfish releases since knopflerfish release 2. Knopflerfish 5, 4 and 3 older stable osgi platforms with the release of knopflerfish 6, kf5 moves to maintenance. Our expertise in the embedded world has led us to develop innovative solutions for customers across the world in industrial, residential, telecom, automotive and enterprise markets. Liferay 7 installation liferay tutorials for beginners. The somewhat hard part was to jailbreak my ipod touch. Work with dynamic osgi services to create modular applications explore the basics of osgi bundles and modular application design learn advanced topics, including semantic versioning, integration testing, and configuring components understand osgi pitfalls, antipatterns, and features you should avoid.
To allow for easy testing and migration, concierge supports both knopflerfish like init. Osgi is a java framework for developing and deploying modular software programs and libraries. Remote services for osgi has been tested with eclipse equinox, knopflerfish, and oscar apache felix, as well as with our own lightweight osgi implementation concierge. Kf pro 6 also includes a compact version of the knopflerfish osgi framework, targeting embedded devices and occupying no more than 316k of diskspace. Knopflerfish 6 osgi r6 new major version knopflerfish 6 is the latest major release of knopflerfish. Im happy to report that knopflerfish osgi runs well on the newly released 2. The osgi alliance, formerly known as the open services gateway initiative. It features additional value added services and extensions. Liferay 7 download and installation on windows 7windows 8windows 8. Apache felix tutorial example 1 apache felix tutorial example 1 service event listener bundle this example creates a simple bundle that listens for osgi service events. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the creative commons cc0 license.
Makewave also provides a knopflerfish pro version and certain compendium services are only available in knopflerfish pro. Osgi hot install of new bundle in idempiere or the f1 car that does not need a pitstop. Most of the issues seem to be related to 3rd party libraries used in knopflerfish, e. This tutorial creates successively more complex osgi bundles to illustrate most of the features and functionality offered by the osgi framework. Osgi info information about osgi and access to seminars. Nov 16, 2009 this is a free osgi training video, to watch the full version for free please visit. The service runs on every osgi compliant environment. Well, i dont have any iphone, but i do have an ipod touch. Please note that you will get warning from the desktop bundle because of the changes in java 9 in regards to using reflection. Alasdair nottingham from the ibm hursley team explains the importance of osgi.
It is used to control the composite bundles of aem and their configuration. Below are links for downloading the latest production releases of kf6. This example does not do much at first, because it only prints out the details of registering and unregistering services. Each bundle is a tightly coupled, dynamically loadable collection of classes, jars, and configuration files that explicitly declare their external dependencies if any. A osgi dev plugin for netbeans which develops a osgi bundle with felix, knopflerfish. Knopflerfish pro kf pro is an osgi r6 compliant service platform and can perhabs best be described as the commercial certified version of the open source. Knopflerfish pro 6 is the current major release and brings kf pro to osgi r6 for both osgi core and osgi compendium specifications. Osgi provides a framework that supports the deployment of applications as bundles. Osgi is a fundamental element in the technology stack of adobe experience manager aem. Maven remote services for osgi rosgi transparent osgi. I am trying to embed the knopflerfish framework into an android application to load and unload bundles dynamically. Knopflerfish pro is our commercially supported distribution of the knopflerfish osgi framework. I followed this tutorial the first step i did is to download framework. What is osgi and how apache felix, apache karaf, equinox.
Maven, eclipse and osgi working together carlos sanchez march 17, 2008. Net implementation tightly based on osgi specifications from osgi alliance, is designed and developed by xian ui information technology, inc. Knopflerfish 5, 4 and 3 older stable osgi platforms with the release of knopflerfish 6, kf5 moves to maintenance mode alongside with kf4 and kf3. Knopflerfish implements its own osgi framework as defined by the osgi core specification and a o a large set of the bundles services defined by osgi compendium specification. Knopflerfish pro is a fully supported product, intended for professional use, and gives companies the assurance required to use open source software in commercial systems.
Imagine you are in the idempiere f1 car while your competitors need to do a pit stop for adding a new. Knopflerfish is a leading universal open source osgi service platform. Maven concierge osgi an optimized osgi r3 implementation. Osgi provides the standardized primitives that allow applications to be constructed from small, reusable and collaborative components. Compatibility and interoperability with existing osgi framework implementations was an important aspect during the design and implementation of concierge. For example, this is true of jstl and java server faces. Equinox, knopflerfish, virgo, blueprint and pax exam are related to osgi.
Knopflerfish 7 osgi bundles osgi r7 compendium services. The knopflerfish website has the full documentation and knopflerfish osgi service platform sdks available for download. Knopflerfish osgi open source osgi implementation under bsd license. See the latest eclipse technology downloads at ibm alphaworks. Alasdair nottingham from the ibm hursley team explains the importance of osgi and the problems it solves. Osgi service tracker manually tracking services is too hard luckily there is an osgi utility called org. Net developers to reform and build software systems consisting of individual logical physical modules which are communicating with each others by service bus a combination of predefined service interfaces, could addgetremove specified service instance or by extension pointextension a mechanism that allow. This page was last edited on 29 december 2018, at 10. Knopflerfish osgi open source osgi service platform. If you want to include these jars in your bunde which is just another jar then you have to put them in there yourself. The knopflerfish eclipse plugin is a tool for launching and debugging the knopflerfish osgi distribution.
Building modular cloud apps with osgi oreilly media. The osgi specification describes means to achieve better modularity when using java. Led and maintained by makewave, knopflerfish delivers significant value as the key container technology for many java based projects and products. Videos related to the knopflerfish osgi open source framework. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. If the osgi service is inactive, cics detected that an osgi service with that name already exists in the osgi framework. The eclipse foundation home to a global community, the eclipse ide, jakarta ee and over 350 open source projects, including runtimes, tools and frameworks.
An osgi framework implementation open source osgi framework implementation under bsd license. Knopflerfish pro is makewaves certified release 4, version 4. First, the reader is quickly introduced to the installation of knopflerfish. Knopflerfish 6 is designed to be implemented according to the osgi r6 specifications and available for download from here. Oscar bundle repository obr a communityoriented bundle repository and incubator for osgi bundle developers. Nine osgi bundles are supplied as part of the ibm mq classes for jms osgi provides a general purpose, secure, and managed java framework, which supports the deployment of applications that come in the form of bundles. The jetty osgi container takes care of jstl for you, but you can control which other jars are considered as part of the containers classpath by using the system property org. There are build tools like maven which can do this for you. The log bundle is selected and the left side shows packages. Knopflerfish open source osgi technology knopflerfish. Then you just install jamvm, copy the usual knopflerfish directory and do a java jar.
Get acquainted with the hidden gem known as the osgi equinox. Certified open source osgi technology knopflerfish pro. I chose knopflerfish, because it is easy to install and provides a great desktop gui, that will help you to get your first bundles deployed in an osgi framework. Osgi open service gateway initiative is a java framework for developing and deploying modular software programs and libraries. This tutorial introduces you to osgi programming based on the open source knopflerfish osgi framework.
I have one bundle b1 using another bundle b2 and bundle b2 exports following packages. Knopflerfish is a the leading universal open source osgi service platform. Now we will declare mathconsumer using some other bundle, purpose to be able to run mathconsumer later. This is a free osgi training video, to watch the full version for free please visit. Osgi runtime container and sdk source code repo knopflerfish knopflerfish. Jetty, vaadin, log4j, knopflerfish available in maven central and manually downloading. Welcome to the download page for the knopflerfish osgi service platform. Net, a dynamic modularization framework, which is a. Osgi alliance open services gateway initiative1999. There are also links for downloading production version of kf5, kf4, kf3, kf2, and kf1 releases. This makes it ideal for small and embedded devices with limited memory and network bandwidth.